Sunday, April 28, 2013

Consider the blessings

I spoke in church today.  Of course it was a little different in person as I added another personal example of following a prompting and a few hymn lyrics right before I gave it.  But for the most part it is all here.  :)

Consider the Blessings


In his October 2012 conference address titled Consider the blessings, President Monson said…

We live in a unique time in the world’s history. We are blessed with so very much. And yet it is sometimes difficult to view the problems and permissiveness around us and not become discouraged. I have found that, rather than dwelling on the negative, if we  will take a step back and consider the blessings in our lives, including seemingly small, sometimes overlooked blessings, we can find greater happiness.

As I have reviewed the past 49 years, I have made some discoveries. One is that countless experiences I have had were not necessarily those one would consider extraordinary. In fact, at the time they transpired, they often seemed unremarkable and even ordinary. And yet, in retrospect, they enriched and blessed lives—not the least of which was my own. I would recommend this same exercise to you—namely, that you take an inventory of your life and look specifically for the blessings, large and small, you have received.

Reinforced constantly during my own review of the years has been my knowledge that our prayers are heard and answered.

As I have pondered the last few weeks what direction I needed to focus this topic of Considering our Blessings, I kept coming back to the principle that the lord is acutely aware of each of us, something I have always had a strong testimony of, and also that we are among the instruments he uses to answer prayers and bless the lives of others as well as our own.

For the next few minutes I would like to share with you several real stories from a few of my friends. Times when they have seen the Lords hand at work when he has used them and they have followed promptings from the Holy Ghost to be an answer to prayer, or to have their own prayers answered.


A few years ago my daughter Hailey was struggling significantly with first grade. Every day she was crying and fighting me, trying to run after my car after I would drop her off.  It was a very traumatic time. The school nurse was constantly calling me because she would get physically sick from her anxiety. Most days I was driving home in tears and no matter what we did, she didn't seem comforted. One particularly bad morning, I got home and couldn't stop crying. I felt like a terrible mom. I was so worried about her emotional health (and mine as time went on like this). My phone rang at 7:45 that morning. Weird! Who would be calling me so early? It was a lady in my ward. Her daughter attended the same school and was a few years older. The lady, Brenda, volunteered there. She had stopped by Hailey’s classroom to say hello that morning and had just called to tell me Hailey had been so happy, sitting coloring and doing her morning work. It was such a random phone call. But instead of talking herself out of calling to tell me, she trusted the prompting and called. It comforted me so much and helped me realize that God was well aware of us and was watching over us during our trial.


Again from President Monson, My brothers and sisters, the Lord’s purposes are often accomplished as we pay heed to the guidance of the Spirit. I believe that the more we act upon the inspiration and impressions which come to us, the more the Lord will entrust to us His errands.

Another Friend shared,

When I was in a student ward, I was VT to the RS president. I saw her as well put together person, spiritual, RM, she didn't need VT. But I did my calling anyways.  I went to visit one evening before a ward activity, quick in and out visit planned. But when we knocked she didn't answered. Strange. So we left, as I was pulling out I had a strong impression to go down one building and knock on the same door. It was an apartment complex. At first I was just going to leave I didn't want to be late to the activity, but I felt strongly it was the spirit and not just some silly random thought. Nervously I went to the building I was directed to, and she was home. We had gone to the wrong apartment. She really needed us that day. I also learned that because we were late she thought we weren't coming, and she really need our visit to turn around her bad day so she prayed that we would show and within seconds I was knocking on her door. The Lord knew her needs and that she would pray before she even did and prompted me at the right time. Why couldn't I have gotten the prompting when I was walking up to the door when no one was answering?  I needed that little extra time to be late, for her to exercise her faith to pray and for me to exercise my faith to follow promptings. It was a lesson learned that even those who seem to have it together who have high up callings, struggle too and need the blessings of a VT. To listen to promptings no matter how strange and how much they take you out of your comfort zone.


Brothers and sisters, the opportunity to be a blessing in the life of another often comes unexpectedly. Several years ago my friend Aimee, like many of us, woke up with a list a mile long of things she need to accomplish throughout the day. Shopping was one of them. She shared,

 We had nothing in the house. I hustled around, got the big kids out the door, ran a couple small errands, and finally wound up at Wal Mart with the three littlest ones, and in a shopping cart the size of a small train. (You know the ones that hold three kids, but are impossible to steer).

By the time we got there, it was well after lunch time and Rachel and Drezden were hungry. Since they'd been so patient all morning, I took them to the McDonald's in the back of the store for some fine cuisine. I had to take the shopping cart in with me because I didn't want to hold the baby or have him crawling all over the place, and their high chairs are all a broken mess.

I ordered, got the kids situated (no small task), and started to enjoy my thoroughly malnutrious meal. As I was eating, I noticed a man I'd seen on the streets come into the restaurant. I didn't recall him out there with the few other regular panhandlers we have, but I'd seen him under the overpasses before. It was the first part of February and so very cold outside, so I figured that's why he was there.

He was wearing a flannel shirt, a bright red stocking cap, a denim thick 80's style coat, and some, blue jeans, and some worn out sneakers. The years on his face looked about double his actual age. He looked tired. So tired. But delighted to being enjoying a BigMac. I watched as he carefully placed his burger and fries with a drink on his table, and then to my surprise he bowed his head and said a rather long prayer. By the expression on his face, it was clear he was putting a lot of thought into his prayer of thanks.

I didn't want to stare, so I averted my eyes and focused on my own children.  Rachel was bugging me to dress her "naked frog from my bag" and Drezden wanted his lego race car put together. I fixed their toys, talked to the baby, and just went about my business.

While all this was going on, I had this very strong, very nagging feeling that I should buy this man some cookies. What?? This is entirely out of my character. I never turn down anyone who asks me for food, but I don't ever initiate something like that, either. I pushed the thought aside and continued to go about my business.

The more I tried to avoid it, the stronger the feeling became. There was a voice in my heart that spoke as clear as day. "Get that person some cookies and let Rachel give it to them." Again, I tried to avoid it. I was thinking about what I'd do with the kids, etc. Finally, the feeling overtook me and I gave in. I told Rachel and Drezden to stay in their seats and wheeled the giant buggy through the restaurant to order three sugar cookies. It cost me all of a dollar. I thought about throwing $5 in the bag, but didn't want to offend the person.

I took the bag to our table, sat down, and handed it to Rachel. "Do you see that gentleman over there? I want you to give him this bag and tell him Happy Valentine's Day.". She looked over. "The man with the red hat?" "Yes. That's the one. Go do it." I couldn't believe what I was hearing myself say. I spend forever teaching my kids to avoid stranger danger, and here I was sending her over to a stranger to give him cookies. She was only going about 8 feet away and I was watching. But still.

I watched her every move as she went over, patted him on the shoulder, and got his attention. "This is for you. Happy Valentine's Day." And she tried to walk away. Then I saw it. The smile that came across this person's face was like something I've never seen. Though there were no more than 10 teeth in that mouth, it was a radiant smile. I mean, really. There are just no words for it.

"This is for me?" It was the voice of a young woman. It was at that moment that I realized just what life had done to her. Walking wherever those shoes had taken her has taken its toll. I nodded back at her with an awkward smile. Rachel didn't seem at all awkward. "Yep! That's for you. My mom said so. Happy Valentine's Day." And she walked straight up to me. "Mama, that's not a man. That's a lady." "I know, Rachel. I made a mistake."

The woman stood up and came over to me.
"It's not Valentine's Day. It's my birthday. Praise God, He remembered me. I have been praying all morning that He would remember my birthday! It's going to be a good day after all." I smiled and said, "Well, happy birthday then."  She smiled back with that beautiful smile. "God bless you, ma'am. This is a gift from God for my birthday. Thank you."

I couldn't believe it. I think that woman did far more for me that day than I could have ever done for her. I wished I'd have put the extra $5 in the bag, but maybe next time. I did my good deed. I apparently answered her prayer asking God to remember her.

She saw us in the store later on, and thanked us again. She was purchasing one of those sterno things to keep warm with. It made me remember to be grateful for the incredible blessings I already have. Here was a woman without a friend in the world pouring out her heart in a restaurant offering thanks for a Big Mac. A Big Mac! And it was a lengthy prayer. And here I was, warm in my home having plenty to eat and safety, too. I don't often remember to give thanks, at least not like that.  I learned valuable  lesson that day that would forever change my life and taught me to ALWAYS listen to the promptings from the holy ghost no matter how silly our out of character they may seem.


President Monson admonished, “My brothers and sisters, we are surrounded by those in need of our attention, our encouragement, our support, our comfort, our kindness—be they family members, friends, acquaintances, or strangers. We are the Lord’s hands here upon the earth, with the mandate to serve and to lift His children. He is dependent upon each of us.”


I would add, let us each live our lives so that we can look to the lord and let him know that he can trust us.  Trust us to do what he needs in order to bless his children.  Trust us to turn to him and know that he is there, ever mindful of us.

I know that god lives.  I know that he answers my prayers.  I am so thankful he gives me opportunities to serve not only him but others, so I can be a first hand witness watching his hand at work. 

In the name of Jesus Christ Amen



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