Thursday, June 27, 2013

Recap of the week. :)

I think this is has been the first week all summer that we haven't had some place to go, or have something huge happen to take us away from home, or any real plans.  And I think it's the only week left in the summer without plans as well. You would think that would make it easier for me to blog, but I tell you what, without a routine and stress, I don't get anything accomplished.  I just take a vacation from everything.

But we have had a little fun each day anyway.  Mostly catch up on housework, and being lazy in front of the TV.  But it's still been fun.

Princess E went to Florida with her Aunts, I don't have any pictures from that, but she had a fantastic time getting spoiled for her 10 year old one on one trip.  While she was gone we told princess M that it was her weekend to do whatever she wanted.  The things we usually say no to.  Friday she and I went to chick-fil-a for an Origami Owl meeting and she met some new friends.  She spent the afternoon playing mine craft to her little hearts content and that night we had tuna on toast and then watched a Monster in Paris, followed by some more mine craft.  Saturday we slept in and more mine craft.  Lazy afternoon and then Olive Garden for Noodles with tortellini sauce (alfredo) and then finished the night with Monsters University.  Such a cute movie.

 Tuesday night we had dinner with a few friends and a family who has been investigating the church.  Great food!  Great company! and great fun had by all the kids with the giant slip n slide and talent show.

It was quite the talent show.  Totally impromptu.
 Wednesday they learned how much fun it is to put the sprinkler on the trampoline.  One of them liked it a whole lot more than the other.
 Thursday we decided to give dad's car some much needed TLC and play in the water a little bit.  We need to do this way more often.  I think the girls LOVED it.  They did a great job as well.
I decided to finally bind a few baby quilts I have had on the shelf.  Since we have new cousins popping out left and right this week.  It's been months since I have pulled out the sewing machine and it felt great.  Already thinking of my next quilt.  I'm thinking another Christmas one to give away.  Hmmm, who's name do we have this year?? 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Summer Party Time

We were uber busy the week of the girls Birthdays.  So we told them at the end of the school year that we would do a Summer Late Over Party.
It was a huge success.  They each had 3 friends over.  We had pancakes for dinner, played our little hearts out, pained nails and watched a movie.
There definitely is beginning to be a difference in maturity between their two ages and friends.  It hasn't always been so clear cut.  But this time there definitely was more of a division.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Fathers Day 2013

I have the best, hardest working dad around! Here he is with 2 of his loves.  His grandkids and his John Deer lawn mower.  He loves giving the grandkids rides.

Nothing makes a girl go week in the knees faster than seeing the man she loves being a great dad!  I love this man with all of my heart!  I really struck gold when I said yes to him.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

In the basement again.....

......But this time we brought some company. :)  The elders were here for dinner, as well as another friend.  The power went off and so did the sirens.  So we all headed downstairs.  The elders weren't too happy about it.  They wanted to be out working.  They even said they were planning on going tracting in the rain to get in doors with the sympathy card.   Too bad their Mission President told them they had to stay in after we were finally able to take them home.

The power came back on, we were just waiting for the Tornado warning to lift.  They got a good game of hungry hungry hippos in first.
We have amazing elders right now.  Elder Denny is a recent convert and is from Las Vegas.  Elder Viha'i is from Tonga and is pretty much the story of the prodigal son.
We are soon getting a set of Sister Missionaries as well.  We are pretty excited about that.  We need to work on getting referrals to keep them all busy.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Using our Talents

I've had opportunity to use my flower talents the last few weeks.  I feel so blessed that I am blessed with a gift that brings beauty into others lives.  Even if it is in their final hours.  It's a great honor to give them a final tribute.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Girl Scout Camp

What a week!  I ended up being the group leader for my group, as the first leader got a job and couldn't make it.  I was given a co leader the week before, but she hadn't ever been either.  But we had a few great camp aids (youth  leaders) who held our hands the whole way.  The rain stayed away, and we didn't loose any of our girls.  Princess E and M had a great week as well.  Made new friends and uncovered some new talents as well.  I LOVE this shot of Princess E.  We learned she is very talented in Archery and kayaking.  Who knew.  I love that by being a part of an organization such as Girl Scouts it gives them opportunities to do things that they wouldn't get to otherwise.
Princess E also had a first this week when she got to attend the overnight camp Wed. night with the rest of her group.  She had a BALL.  But this momma was a mess.  It was so stormy that night.  The heavens were dumping water like crazy and the thunder was deafening.  I was so worried about my little girl.  But she fell asleep before any of it hit and was as dry as could be in their waterproof platform tent.

We are already planning to attend next year.  SO worth it!