Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Girl Scout Camp

What a week!  I ended up being the group leader for my group, as the first leader got a job and couldn't make it.  I was given a co leader the week before, but she hadn't ever been either.  But we had a few great camp aids (youth  leaders) who held our hands the whole way.  The rain stayed away, and we didn't loose any of our girls.  Princess E and M had a great week as well.  Made new friends and uncovered some new talents as well.  I LOVE this shot of Princess E.  We learned she is very talented in Archery and kayaking.  Who knew.  I love that by being a part of an organization such as Girl Scouts it gives them opportunities to do things that they wouldn't get to otherwise.
Princess E also had a first this week when she got to attend the overnight camp Wed. night with the rest of her group.  She had a BALL.  But this momma was a mess.  It was so stormy that night.  The heavens were dumping water like crazy and the thunder was deafening.  I was so worried about my little girl.  But she fell asleep before any of it hit and was as dry as could be in their waterproof platform tent.

We are already planning to attend next year.  SO worth it!

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