Friday, March 1, 2013

30 things- 6

Describe your relationship with your spouse.

Almost perfect.

Seriously.  I always believed when I was in my teenage years and wishing I had dates and wishing boys liked me, that all of my waiting wasn't going to be for naught.  That it was almost like the price I had to pay for what was coming.  And it really was.

Everyone always tells you that the first year of marriage is the hardest.  That you both are getting used to each other and it will be rough.  Well when we made it through that first year with zero problems, well marriage problems.  We had plenty of baby problems that year, but as a couple we were solid.  More in love and committed than ever.  It has only grown by leaps and bounds over the years. 

We made a promise to each other before we were married that we would NEVER intentionally hurt each others feelings.  We have kept that promise.  We don't fight.  We quarrel from time to time, but nothing big.  We are almost 11 years in and I can count on one hand the number of big fights we have had. 

We would honestly spend every waking and sleeping moment with each other if we could.  Serious.  We love being in each others company.  Even if one of us is playing a video game and the other is watching a show online in the same room.  We still want to be near each other.  It sounds cliché, but we really are 2 parts of one whole and we feel incomplete when the other isn't there.

There are many scriptures that say that the lord will try our faith, chasten us and give us trials.  But all of them are to help us draw closer to him and to be more like him.  That has been the case in our marriage.  It hasn't all been roses and butterflies.  We have gone through some pretty dark trials as a couple.  BUT, they have made our marriage and our commitment to each other that much stronger and better .  We have been able to witness first hand many miracles and blessings from Heaven.  We have seen the strengths, majesty and the royal birthright that we both poses as we have worked through the challenges and trials that we have been asked to endure.  And we have drawn closer to the Savior in the process which only makes our relationship better and stronger.

I love king J with all of my being and I know he feels the exact same way about me.

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