Friday, March 8, 2013

Date Night

We havn't always been the most consistent with going on regular date nights.  Mostly because of child care and not neing able to afford a sitter as well as whatever else we plan to do that evening.  Princess E is only a couple of years away from being able to watch other kids so we have begun practicing for short periods here and there.  So far so good.  But we still dont feel she is ready for a trip to the temple or dinner and a movie date length of time.  Well recently we have friends popping out of the woodwork asking us if they can watch our girls so we can go out.  Its been SO nice.  Well today was one of those nights.  As we were getting ready to go, princess E said "oh I need to get the card I made to go along with the ear rings and necklace for sister Tye"  I knew about the jewlery, but not the card.  It was so sweet.  Maybe this is the reason people are begging to watch our sweet chick a dees.

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